Tiwalola Ogunlesi

Introducing our February Muse, Tiwalola Ogunlesi. Tiwalola is a globally recognised and qualified life coach, international speaker, positive psychology specialist, author, podcast host, and founder of Confident and Killing It, since 2017. Filled with energy, enthusiasm & charisma, Tiwa has a powerful & positive voice empowering others to trust themselves, speak up, and take action in life.

For Tiwalola, choosing a life coach as a career is the best career decision she made because she wants help people find their voices, for women to be allowed in rooms to make top decisions, to learn to love themselves.

When asked what success means to her, She responded by quoting Maya Angelou “ I like what I do and I like how I do it” For her success is about liking herself, loving what she does, how she shows up in the world and how she shares her gifts to the world.


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