Tiwalola Ogunlesi

Introducing our February Muse, Tiwalola Ogunlesi. Tiwalola is a globally recognised and qualified life coach, international speaker, positive psychology specialist, author, podcast host, and founder of Confident and Killing It, since 2017. Filled with energy, enthusiasm & charisma, Tiwa has a powerful & positive voice empowering others to trust themselves, speak up, and take action […]
Fiyin Koko

Introducing Muse of The Month. This is where each month, we will be highlighting one visionary African woman in various fields as a source of inspiration for our styles, colours, prints and more. Give a warm welcome to our January MuseoftheMonth, Fiyin Koko Tunde-Onadele @fiyinkoko! A multidisciplinary artist and sculptor who employs a masterful interplay […]